The Penis Prosperity Plan
Use it or lose it.
Regular (safe) sexual activity therefore, is obviously an important part of the penis prosperity plan. In addition, an improved sleeping pattern is also very important. A good night’s sleep implies that one would experience a greater number of nighttime erections. In addition sleep also recharges the batteries of the body. This provides more energy for an active sexual life.
Erections therefore are good for the penis. More erections mean more oxygen, nutrients and blood flow to the penis. Over time this prevents tissue damage, and shrinkage of the organ.
Eat smart: antioxidants, chromium, monosaturated fats, moderated alcohol.
Like any blood vessel in the body, arteries of the penis are affected by what we eat. Keeping arteries clear and healthy is therefore a particularly important part of the penis prosperity programme. There is a strong link between high HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels and a low incidence of erectile problems. It is essential therefore, to reduce the amount of saturated and polyunsaturated fat in your diet. Monounsaturated fat, can actually lower overall cholesterol levels while keeping the good cholesterol high.
While keeping your total intake of fat under 30 percent of your total calories, try substituting monounsaturated fats, found in olive oil, nuts and avocado pear, for saturated fats, found in butter, meats and many processed foods. Magnesium and anti-oxident vitamins, like vitamins C and A, may have a protective effect against vascular disease. The best natural source for this blood vessel healthy combination of anti-oxidants is found in leafy green vegetables like spinach and cabbage, and also broccoli and cauliflower. Toss a few leaves of spinach on your tuna sandwich in place of lettuce, or make your salad using spinach and dandelion greens.
Metabolise your sugars better. Chromium, a trace mineral scarce in foods, works hand-in-hand with insulin to keep your blood sugar levels stable. This may help prevent the development of adult-onset diabetes, which is one of the biggest risk factors for erectile problems. As chromium is scanty in the daily diet of most people, chromium supplements, (preferably of 200 micrograms a day) as found in many multivitamin supplements are required. Alcohol in moderation is a vasodilator – it opens up blood vessels – and is therefore good for penile blood flow. It also relaxes the body and makes it more receptive to meaningful and effective sexual activity. Too much alcohol, however, is toxic to the body, and by affecting the liver, nerves, vitamin status and testes, it may cause impotence as well as a host of other health problems.